
The Charlottetown Christian Reformed Church offers twelve exciting ministries covering a wide range of ages and interests. We are located in Charlottetown at 153 Mt Edward Road and our facility is wheel chair accessible. Please check the calendar for specific dates. Questions related to ministries can be directed to the church office.

Contact Us

Sunday Worship

 Sunday Worship |

Join us for Sunday Worship at 10:00 a.m. each week and will be live-streamed at those times as well. We gather together to give glory to God and be strengthened in our faith through solid Bible-based preaching and fellowship with family and friends. 

Sunday School

 Sunday School |

Children’s Worship

This program is for kids ages 3 to kindergarten. It runs weekly during the morning worship service all year. The children participate in the first part of the service and go downstairs to Children’s Worship just before the sermon. There’s a time of praise & worship, story-telling and age-appropriate activities for children to respond and connect to the story.

Drawing Close

This program is for kids from grade 1 to grade 8. It runs weekly after the morning worship service from October to June. Teachers and students draw close to God by reading, meditating and discussing a Bible passage from the living word of God using the Lectio Divina method.


This program is for grades 9 to 12. It runs after the morning worship service in the youth room and alternates every second week between the grade 9-10 group and the grade 11-12 group. This program is from October to June. The Grade 9-10 class use HC&Me which is about the Heidelberg Catechism and the Grades 11-12 class use Quest for Faith written by Bob De Moor. This book uses sections from the Heidelberg Catechism, the Belgic Confession, the Canons of Dordt, and Our World Belongs to God.

GEMS Girls Club

 GEMS Girls Club |

Girls in Grades 5-8 are invited to join our GEMS (Girls Everywhere Meeting the Saviour) Girls' Club. The aim of our Club is to bring girls into a living, dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ. We meet Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:30 p.m. from October to April.

CRC Cadet Corps

 CRC Cadet Corps |

We invite all boys aged 10-13 years old to join our Cadet club. This is a four-year program that meets every Tuesday at the Church from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Boys learn hands on skills, enjoy a time of fellowship and are challenged to grow in their faith each week from October to April.

Youth Group

 Youth Group |

The Youth Group meets every Thursday at 7:00 p.m. during the school year. Everyone in Grade 9-12 is welcome to join in for games, fun, snacks, and Bible study. Join our Facebook group Youth Group.CRC to see what we are up to!

Seniors Circle

 Seniors Circle |

Our Seniors Circle meets during the fall and winter seasons (check calendar for specific dates). We seek Christian fellowship and fun interaction with one another. As a result we plan interesting activities or outings that are appreciated by everyone. If your looking to have a good laugh and enjoy some company, come out and join us. All Seniors and retirees are welcome to join us.

Coffee Break

 Coffee Break |

Coffee Break is open to all women. The program runs from October to May each year. During our time together, we study the Bible and encourage one another to grow in our relationship with God. We begin with a social and snack time at 9:00 a.m. and then separate into small groups for prayer and Bible study time from 9:30-10:30 a.m. 

Community Groups

 Community Groups |

Our church ministers to each other through small groups based on the communities in which we live. These groups organize social events, meals for those in need, funeral support, and spiritual encouragement for each other under the direction of their district elders and with the assistance of the Community Groups Co-ordinator.

Prayer Chain

 Prayer Chain |

Our email prayer line consists of a group of almost 60 families that is ready to pray for people's needs. It is a quick and easy way to have a large group of people praying for you, without judgment or prejudice. The prayer line coordinator forwards people's prayer requests, updates or thanksgiving items in an email to the prayer line group at once. If you would like for us to pray for a concern you have, contact Judith MacDonald at (902) 675-3556 or through email.

Happy Day Christian Pre-Kindergarten

 Happy Day Christian Pre-Kindergarten |

HDCK was started by our church in 1979 and operates out of our building throughout the week from September-June. The focus of the school is to teach God’s love to each child and prepare them for Kindergarten and beyond with school readiness skills. Learn more by visiting their website, .

Visit Site


 Missionaries |

Our congregation is able to support missionaries David Kromminga and Mary Buteyn in their work with refugees in Germany and Bert & Wilma Visser in their work with Wycliffe Bible Institute.