Our Mission
The Charlottetown Christian Reformed Church exists to be a unified community of believers who love and worship God, who love and care for each other, who encourage and equip each other to live for Christ, and who reach out to a broken world to tell others about Jesus.
Church service is held at 153 Mt. Edward Rd. at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings and will be live-streamed as well.
Contact the Church Office for updates on church programs.
In short, our mission is to grow, to equip people to know Christ, and to make Him known.
Our vision is to be a church where...
- all people are equipped, supported, and motivated to be all that God wants them to be.
- Every person joyfully serves according to their spiritual giftedness.
- People are living out their faith with commitment, fire, and enthusiasm.
- Corporate worship is an inspiring and wonderful experience.
- People experience intimate community and growth in small groups.
- New members are constantly welcomed and enfolded through evangelism.
- Unfeigned, contagious love characterizes all our relationships in Christian community.
- Youth are engaged and fully participate in the life of the church.